Agnew H. Johnston School Choir
A different kind of Kevin Waara song is now exclusively on-line.
songwriting team of Kevin Waara, Glenn Niemi and
Ken Moore have released a 'unity' song for Canada and the
world titled 'Let's All Stand.' The message of standing
together as one is universal. The gist of the song is not restricted
to Canada or Canadians. The text is quite relevant to the world
in general. The 'Let's All Stand' session was produced
and arranged by Ken Moore at the Barn Recording Studios
in Thunder Bay, Canada and engineered by Bogdan Blazevic.
Accompanying Kevin Waara on the track are the 73 delightful
voices of Agnew H. Johnston Public School, Thunder Bay.
Heading up the childrens choir is musical director Jill Schutte.
Also assisting on choir direction are Chantal Blais, Jan
Campbell and Jodi Trudeau. The French lyric translation
is by Carole Dagenais. Johnny Myers took care of
the remote engineering duties. During the summer of 2000, a video
project featuring 'Let's All Stand' produced by Glenn
Niemi was telecast in various Canadian regional outlets. At
this time 'Let's All Stand' is not available at retail
but only by logging on to www.kevinwaara.com.